University of Rochester / Ultrasound Research Laboratory
2D Array Library

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This code is documented so that the advanced programmer can see how to make calls to the low-level driver functions.

  $Id: Txaper.cpp,v 1.2 1999-03-11 16:14:32-05 ljb Exp ljb $
  $Revision: 1.2 $
  $Log: Txaper.cpp,v $
  Revision 1.2  1999-03-11 16:14:32-05  ljb
  Made some updates to documentation.

  Revision 1.1  1999-03-05 16:30:39-05  ljb
  Initial revision

  Revision 1.6  1998/10/23 14:25:19  LJB
  Warning messages regarding clipping, overflow and underflow now go to STDERR
  and can be redirected to a file on the command line using "2>"

  Revision 1.5  1998/09/01 11:21:27  LJB
  Removed yesterday's bug fix.  Now it is handled by the calling program.
  Also re-order the sequence in which the Txwaveform array is filled
  when reading NTX files.  The current order is (slowest -> fastest)
  NX then NY then NZ.  This is corresponds to Liu's 8/10/98 email message.

  Revision 1.4  1998/08/31 10:23:46  LJB
  Fixed bug associated with the number of zones in an NTX file.
  Current version assumes only 1 zone in each NTX file

  Revision 1.3  1998/08/27 13:54:36  LJB
  Now Compensate checks xp and yp to be sure they are in range.

  Revision 1.2  1998/08/06 15:09:06  LJB
  Updated documantation.

  Revision 1.1  1998/06/19 15:49:54  LJB
  Initial revision


//#define VERBOSE                     //Define to output test files

#include "common.h"
#include "tdefs.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "wpair.h"
#include "errcodes.h"
#include "2dcntrl.h"
#include "uasaddr.h"
#include "txaper.h"
#include "sigpro.h"
#include "acq.h"
#include "sigpro.h"

extern TwoDCntrlClass *pci;

#define TXDEF 0x80

      Aperture::Init( WPAIR( TX_MAX_XSIZE, TX_MAX_YSIZE) ); 
      freq = 3.0;
      numcycles = 1;

TTxAper::SetFreq( float f){ freq = f;}

void TTxAper::SetNumCycles( WORD n){ numcycles = n;}

void TTxAper::DiodeOffset( BYTE *input, BYTE *output, int npts, float offset, float band) {
  int i;
  float x,y;
  for (i=0 ; i<npts; i++){
    x = (float)input[i] - 128.;                    //Convert to float
    if( x < -band ) y = x - offset ;
    else if( x > band ) y = x + offset ;
    else y =  x + offset * sin( ( 0.5 * PI ) * ( x / band ) ) ;
    y +=128.;
    output[i] =  (BYTE) MAX(0,MIN(255, NINT(y) )); //Convert to BYTE

TTxAper::SetWaveforms( char *name){  
  FILE *fp;
  size_t status;
  int i, j,k;
  char *buf;
  char string[80];
  INT16 temp;
  INT16 lnx, lny, lnp;
  WPAIR wsize;

  //free memory if necessary, assume current wsize is correct
  if ( waveforms != 0){
    wsize = GetWaveSize();
    free_3D_BYTE( waveforms, X(wsize), Y(wsize));

  if ( compwaves != 0){
    wsize = GetWaveSize();
    free_3D_BYTE( compwaves, X(wsize), Y(wsize));

  //Read the size of the file 
  fp = fopen( name, "rb");
  if (fp == NULL) {
    sprintf(string,"TTxAper::SetWaveforms: Problem opening %s",name);
  fread( &lnx, sizeof(INT16), 1, fp);
  fread( &lny, sizeof(INT16), 1, fp);
  fread( &lnp, sizeof(INT16), 1, fp);

  //Set the sizes in the TxAper Object
  wsize = WPAIR( lnx, lny);
  SetupAper( UTW, wsize);

  //allocate new memory
  waveforms = get_3D_BYTE((INT16)lnx,(INT16)lny,(INT16)lnp); 
  compwaves = get_3D_BYTE((INT16)lnx,(INT16)lny,(INT16)lnp); 
  if( waveforms == NULL || compwaves == NULL) 
    throw(PCIClassErr("TTxAper::SetWaveforms: Problem allocating memory"));

  buf = new char[lnp];
  for(i=0; i<lnx;i++){
    for(j=0; j<lny; j++){
      status = fread( buf, sizeof(BYTE), lnp, fp);
      if( status != lnp) 
        throw(PCIClassErr("TTxAper::SetWaveforms: Problem reading data"));
      for( k=0; k<lnp; k++){
        temp = buf[k];
        temp += 128;
        waveforms[i][j][k] = (BYTE)temp; //Uncompensated waveforms 
        compwaves[i][j][k] = (BYTE)temp; //Make a copy for convenience
  delete[] buf;
  return SUCCESS;

TTxAper::SetWaveforms( char *name, int ia, int iz){  
  FILE *fp;
  size_t status;
  int i, j,k,fx,fy,lx,ly,ii,jj,kk;
  char *buf;
  char string[80];
  INT16 temp;
  INT16 lnx, lny, lnp;
  WPAIR wsize;
  long *raw_index, foffset;
  float *y,*y1,*y2, ftemp, sample;    //needed for interpolation
  float del, delmax, fdel;
  int ntxpts, maxpts, idel;

  th = new TEST_HDR_TYPE;

  wsize = GetWaveSize();

  //free memory if necessary, assume current wsize is correct
  if ( waveforms != 0) free_3D_BYTE( waveforms, X(wsize), Y(wsize));
  if ( compwaves != 0) free_3D_BYTE( compwaves, X(wsize), Y(wsize));

  //Read the size of the file 
  fp = fopen( name, "rb");
  if (fp == NULL) {
    sprintf(string,"TTxAper::SetWaveforms: Problem opening %s",name);

  // Read the expt header
  read_header( fp, th);

  // there should be no need for byte swapping with the latest version of gentx1
  // dp 1342 15feb99
#if defined(BYTE_SWAP)
  int *ptr;
  ptr = (int *)th;
  for (i=0; i<512; i++) ptr[i] = ByteSwap( (long)ptr[i] );

  // Read the index 
  int nlength = th->brief.nAscans * th->brief.nZones;
  raw_index = new long[nlength];  assert( raw_index != 0);
  int nread = fread( raw_index, sizeof(long), nlength, fp);
  assert( nread == nlength);
#if defined(BYTE_SWAP)
  for (i=0; i<nlength; i++) raw_index[i] = ByteSwap( raw_index[i]);
  // Position at the right record
  int record = ia * th->brief.nZones + iz;
  fseek( fp, raw_index[record], SEEK_SET);

  // Read the raw record header
  fread( &hd, sizeof(RAW_RECORD_HEADER_TYPE),1,fp);

#if defined(BYTE_SWAP)
  hd.nX = ByteSwap(hd.nX);
  hd.nY = ByteSwap(hd.nY);
  hd.npt = ByteSwap(hd.npt);
  //Find the maximum delay for this aperture
  delmax = GetMaxDelay();
  ntxpts = delmax * (float)TX_CLOCK + 2*hd.npt + 1;

  //allocate new memory
  waveforms = get_3D_BYTE((INT16)X(wsize),(INT16)Y(wsize),(INT16)ntxpts); 
  compwaves = get_3D_BYTE((INT16)X(wsize),(INT16)Y(wsize),(INT16)ntxpts); 
  if( waveforms == NULL || compwaves == NULL) 
    throw(PCIClassErr("TTxAper::SetWaveforms: Problem allocating memory"));

  if( hd.nX < X(wsize) || hd.nY < Y(wsize) )
    throw(PCIClassErr("TTxAper::SetWaveforms: Problem reading the .NTX file"));

  //Read everything into a temporary array...order NOT adjusted for Liu's files
  char *cbuf;
  BYTE ***barray;
  barray = get_3D_BYTE( hd.nX, hd.nY, hd.npt);
  cbuf = new char[hd.npt];
  for(i=0; i<hd.nX;i++){
    for(j=0; j<hd.nY; j++){
      status = fread( cbuf, sizeof(BYTE), hd.npt, fp);
      if( status != hd.npt) 
        throw(PCIClassErr("TTxAper::SetWaveforms: Problem reading data"));
      for(k=0; k<hd.npt; k++){
        temp = cbuf[k];
        temp += 128;
        barray[i][j][k] = (BYTE)( temp);
//        printf(" %3d ",temp);
//        if (k % 10 == 9) printf("\n");
//    printf("\n\n");
  fx = (hd.nX - X(wsize) )/2;  lx = (hd.nX + X(wsize) )/2;
  fy = (hd.nY - Y(wsize) )/2;  ly = (hd.nY + Y(wsize) )/2;

  maxpts = hd.npt;
  y = new float[maxpts];
  y1= new float[maxpts];
  y2= new float[maxpts];
  for (i=fx,ii=0; i<lx; i++, ii++){
    for (j=fy,jj=0; j<ly; j++, jj++){
      for( k=0; k<maxpts; k++){
        y[k] = (float)barray[i][j][k] - 128;;
      memset( waveforms[ii][jj], 128, ntxpts); //Sets the Txwaveform record to default
      memset( compwaves[ii][jj], 128, ntxpts); //Sets the Txwaveform record to default
      del = GetDelay(ii,jj)-GetAberDelay(ii,jj);
      idel = del * (float)TX_CLOCK;                          //whole delay index
      fdel = del - ((float)idel /  (float)TX_CLOCK);          //fractional delay
      for( kk=0, k=idel; k < ntxpts; k++, kk++){
        if ( k >=0 && k < ntxpts){
          sample = 0.5*(float)kk + fdel;
          ftemp = equi_splint( y1,y2,maxpts,sample);
          temp = NINT(ftemp);
          temp += 128;
          if (temp > 255) temp = 255;
          if (temp < 0) temp =0;
//        printf(" %3d ",temp);
//        if (kk % 10 == 9) printf("\n");
          waveforms[ii][jj][k] = (BYTE)temp; //Uncompensated waveforms 
          compwaves[ii][jj][k] = (BYTE)temp; //Make a copy for convenience
        } else {
          printf("Problem in txaper\n");
//	  printf("\n\n");

  //Find the time of the max signal of the center element
  i = X(wsize) / 2;
  j = Y(wsize) / 2;
  int maxv = 0;
  kk = 0;
  for(k = 0; k < ntxpts; k++){
    temp = waveforms[i][j][k];
    if (temp > maxv){
    maxv = temp;
    kk = k;
  delay_center = (float)kk / (float)TX_CLOCK;
  free_3D_BYTE( barray, hd.nX, hd.nY);
  delete th, delete[] raw_index; delete[] cbuf; delete[] y; delete[] y1; delete[] y2;
  return SUCCESS;

TTxAper::SetWaveforms( float F_0, float DeltaF, float phase, float amp){  
  int i,j,k,kk,idel;
  WPAIR wsize;
  INT16 lsp,lnp,lnx,lny;
  float amplitude,delmax,del,fdel;

  //free memory if necessary, assume current wsize is correct
  if ( waveforms != 0){
    wsize = GetWaveSize();
    free_3D_BYTE( waveforms, X(wsize), Y(wsize));
  if ( compwaves != 0){
    wsize = GetWaveSize();
    free_3D_BYTE( compwaves, X(wsize), Y(wsize));

  //Get the size of the current aperture 
  wsize = GetAperSize();
  SetWaveSize(wsize);                            //make wavesize = aperture size
  lsp = StdPulse( F_0, DeltaF, phase, amp, 0.0);      //How long is the Tx Pulse
  lsp++;                                            //Make room for 1 more point

  //Find the maximum delay for this aperture
  delmax = GetMaxDelay();
  lnp = delmax * (float)TX_CLOCK + lsp +1;

  lnx = X(wsize);
  lny = Y(wsize);


  //allocate new memory
  waveforms = get_3D_BYTE((INT16)lnx,(INT16)lny,(INT16)lnp); 
  if( waveforms == NULL) 
    throw(PCIClassErr("TTxAper::SetWaveforms: Problem allocating memory"));
  compwaves = get_3D_BYTE((INT16)lnx,(INT16)lny,(INT16)lnp); 
  if( compwaves == NULL) 
    throw(PCIClassErr("TTxAper::SetWaveforms: Problem allocating compwaves"));

#ifdef VERBOSE
  FILE *fp1, *fp2, *fp3;
  fp1 = fopen("delay.tst","wb");
  fp2 = fopen("idelay.tst","wb");
  fp3 = fopen("fdelay.tst","wb");

  fwrite( &lnx, 1, sizeof(INT16), fp1);
  fwrite( &lny, 1, sizeof(INT16), fp1);
  fwrite( &lnx, 1, sizeof(INT16), fp2);
  fwrite( &lny, 1, sizeof(INT16), fp2);
  fwrite( &lnx, 1, sizeof(INT16), fp3);
  fwrite( &lny, 1, sizeof(INT16), fp3);

  for(i=0; i<lnx;i++){
    for(j=0; j<lny; j++){
      memset( waveforms[i][j], 128, lnp); //Sets the Txwaveform record to default
      memset( compwaves[i][j], 128, lnp); //Sets the Txwaveform record to default
      del = GetDelay(i,j)-GetAberDelay(i,j);
      idel = del * (float)TX_CLOCK;                          //whole delay index
      fdel = del - ((float)idel /  (float)TX_CLOCK);          //fractional delay
#ifdef VERBOSE
    fwrite( &del, 1, sizeof(float), fp1);
    fwrite( &idel, 1, sizeof(int), fp2);
    fwrite( &fdel, 1, sizeof(float), fp3);
      amplitude = amp;
      amplitude *= GetApodPoint( i,j);            //Apodize
      lsp = StdPulse( F_0, DeltaF, phase, amplitude, fdel);
      for( k=idel, kk=0; k< idel+lsp; k++, kk++){
        if (k >=0 && k <lnp){
          waveforms[i][j][k] = pulse[kk];
          compwaves[i][j][k] = pulse[kk];
        } else {
//        printf("Problem in txaper\n");
#ifdef VERBOSE
  fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); fclose(fp3);
  float adjust = (float) lsp / (2.* (float)TX_CLOCK) ;
  delay_center += adjust;
  return SUCCESS;

TTxAper::ClearWaveforms( void){  
  int i,j;
  WPAIR wsize;

  //Get the size of the current aperture 
  wsize = GetAperSize();

  int lnp = GetNumWavePts();
  for(i=0; i<X(wsize);i++){
    for(j=0; j<Y(wsize); j++){
      memset( waveforms[i][j], 128, lnp); //Set the Txwaveform record to default
      memset( compwaves[i][j], 128, lnp); //Set to default
  return SUCCESS;

TTxAper::LoadBuffer( WPAIR pC0, WPAIR pC1, WPAIR aC0, WPAIR aC1){
  size_t seqlength[8] = {68, 132, 260, 516, 1028, 2052, 4100, 8192};
  BYTE  txchan, txchan_org;
  BYTE *src,*src2;
  WPAIR maxss;
  int ip,jp,                                   //Physical counters
      ia,ja;                                   //aperture counters
  int i,j,nxmit;
  size_t npts;
  float txtime;
  BurstCntrl_t bct;
  long address,index,offset;

  npts = GetNumWavePts();       //real Waveform
//  printf("TxAper: npts=%4d\n",npts);
  for (i=0; i<8; i++){
    if (( seqlength[i] / npts ) == 1) break;
  nxmit = seqlength[i];
  txtime = npts / (float)TX_CLOCK;
  NDELBITS = BYTE(0.5 + txtime / .640);
  maxss = GetMaxSubSize();
  size_t buf_size = area(maxss) * nxmit;

#if defined(HW_AVAIL)
    BYTE *buffer = (BYTE *)pci->getVirtDMAPtr();
    BYTE *buffer;
    buffer = new BYTE[buf_size];               //Tem
  memset( buffer, (BYTE)TXDEF, buf_size);              //Only clear what's necessary
  bct.type = TransferByte;
  bct.ChannelSize =  MAX_TX_POINTS;
  int npad = nxmit - npts;
  int tx_max_xsize = TX_MAX_XSIZE;
  int tx_max_ysize = TX_MAX_YSIZE;
  src2 = new BYTE[npts];    assert( src2 != 0);
  for(ia=X(aC0), ip=X(pC0); ia <= X(aC1) && ip <=X(pC1); ip++,ia++){
    if (ip >= 0 && ip < 80){

      BYTE xfactor = (BYTE)(tx_max_ysize * (ip % tx_max_xsize));
      for(ja=Y(aC0), jp=Y(pC0); ja <= Y(aC1) && jp <= Y(pC1) ; jp++, ja++){
        if( jp >= 0 && jp < 80){
          BYTE yfactor = jp % TX_MAX_YSIZE;
          txchan_org = xfactor + yfactor;
          txchan = GetChannel( ip, jp); //xfactor + yfactor;
#if defined(VERBOSE)
  printf("Row = %d, Col = %d, TxChan_old = %d, TxChan_new = %d\n", 
    jp, ip, txchan_org, txchan);
          src = GetCompPtr(ia,ja);
          offset = (int)txchan * nxmit;
          DiodeOffset( src, src2, npts, 20., 2.);
          memcpy( &buffer[offset],src2,npts);    //Load data
          offset += npts;
          memset( &buffer[offset],(BYTE)TXDEF,npad);  //Load Default Value

#if defined(OUTPUT)
  FILE *fp;
  fp = fopen("TxOut.RAW","wb"); 
  if( fp == NULL)
    throw(PCIClassErr("TTxAper::LoadBuffer: Problem opening temporary file"));
  fwrite( &npts, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
  fwrite( src, sizeof(BYTE), npts, fp);
  fclose( fp);

        } // end of jp test
    } //end of ip
  bct.UASAddr = TWAVERAM;
  bct.DwordOffset = 0;
  bct.NumbOfChannels = 128;
  bct.ChannelTransferCount = nxmit;

  index = 0;
  pci->writeUAS( (long)TSEQLEN,  (char)TSEQBITS );       //txseqlength
#if defined(HW_AVAIL)
    pci->doUASBurstWrite( bct);                     //send all data
    delete[] buffer;

  delete[] src2;


TTxAper::LoadMT( MuxTwoDType *mt, WPAIR pc0, WPAIR pc1){
  TBool ret_val = bFALSE;
  TBool Xok, Yok;
  int min_x, max_x;
  int min_y, max_y;

  min_x = X(pc0);
  max_x = X(pc1);
  min_y = Y(pc0);
  max_y = Y(pc1);

  //See if anything is in range
  if ( min_x >= 0 && min_x < 80) Xok = bTRUE;
  if ( max_x >= 0 && max_x < 80) Xok = bTRUE;
  if ( min_y >= 0 && min_y < 80) Yok = bTRUE;
  if ( max_y >= 0 && max_y < 80) Yok = bTRUE;

  ret_val = (TBool)(Xok && Yok);
  if( !ret_val) return(bFALSE);   //bail out if nothing in range

  mt->b.XmtStartCol = MIN(79,MAX( 0,min_x));
  mt->b.XmtEndCol   = MIN(79,MAX( 0,max_x));
  mt->b.XmtStartRow = MIN(79,MAX( 0,min_y));
  mt->b.XmtEndRow   = MIN(79,MAX( 0,max_y));
#ifdef VERBOSE
  printf( "TxLoadMT (R:C): from (%3d:%3d) to  (%3d:%3d)\n",
    mt->b.XmtStartRow, mt->b.XmtStartCol, mt->b.XmtEndRow, mt->b.XmtEndCol);

INT16 TTxAper::StdPulse( float F_0, float DeltaF, float phase, float amp, float dtime)
  int i, ppts, ncenter;
  double t,p;

  double pi = 4.*atan(1.0);                                   
  double omega = 2.0 * pi * F_0;
  double sigmaT = sqrt(2. * log(2.0)) / DeltaF / pi;
  BYTE pmin, pmax;
  pmin = pmax = (BYTE)127;

  //Calculate the number of points required to digitize the whole pulse
  //i.e. when does the envelope go below Tx DAC resolution (.005)
  double tcut = sqrt( -2. * sigmaT * sigmaT * log(.005)); 
  ncenter = (int)(tcut * (float)TX_CLOCK );
  ppts = 2*ncenter +1;

  if (pulse != NULL) delete[] pulse;
  pulse = new BYTE[ppts];
  for( i=0; i<ppts; i++){
    t = -dtime + (float)(i-ncenter)/(float)TX_CLOCK;     //time in microseconds
    p = 127.*amp*exp(-(t*t)/(2. *  sigmaT * sigmaT )) * sin((omega * t) + phase);
    pulse[i] = (BYTE)(128 + NINT(p));
//	printf("%3d, %3d,  %.4f\n",i,pulse[i],p);

  for (i=0; i<ppts; i++){
    if (pulse[i] > pmax) pmax = pulse[i];
    if (pulse[i] < pmin) pmin = pulse[i];
  printf("TxMax = %d, TxMin = %d\n",pmax, pmin);

  return (INT16)ppts;

TTxAper::~TTxAper( void) {
//  cout << "TTxAper destructor"<<endl;
  if( waveforms != 0){
    WPAIR wsize = GetWaveSize();  
    free_3D_BYTE( waveforms, X(wsize), Y(wsize));
  if( compwaves != 0){
    WPAIR wsize = GetWaveSize();  
    free_3D_BYTE( compwaves, X(wsize), Y(wsize));

WORD TTxAper::Compensate( SystemProps *ap){
  WPAIR l_corner = center - size/2;
  return Compensate( ap, l_corner);

WORD TTxAper::Compensate( SystemProps *ap, WPAIR pC0){
  int ix, iy, k, xp, yp,index;
  float scale, ftemp;
  float *wave, *filt, *output, *scratch;
  int n_filt_pts = ap->GetNumImprPts();
  int npts       = GetNumWavePts();
  INT16 *ftmp;
  BYTE  *wtmp;
  BYTE  *wout;

  filt    = new float[n_filt_pts];
  output  = new float[n_filt_pts+ npts];
  scratch = new float[npts+2*n_filt_pts];
  wave    = new float[npts];  
  if ( filt == NULL || output == NULL || scratch == NULL || wave == NULL)
    throw(PCIClassErr("TTxAper::Compensate: Problem allocating temporary arrays"));

#if defined(VERBOSE)
  printf("Compensating TxWave at element (%2d:%2d)\n", X(pC0), Y(pC0));
  //figure out where this Tx aperture is located
  WPAIR wsize   = GetWaveSize();

  if( compwaves != 0) free_3D_BYTE(compwaves, X(wsize), Y(wsize));
  compwaves = get_3D_BYTE( X(wsize), Y(wsize), npts); 
  if( compwaves == NULL)
    throw(PCIClassErr("TTxAper::Compensate: Problem allocating compwaves"));

  scale = 1.0 / (float)ap->GetImprScale();

  xp = X(pC0);
  for( ix = 0; ix < X(wsize); ix++, xp++){
    yp = Y(pC0);
    for( iy = 0; iy< Y(wsize); iy++, yp++){

      if( xp >= 0 && xp < MAXDIM && yp >= 0 && yp < MAXDIM){
        //fetch input data
        wtmp = GetWavePtr(ix,iy);
        wout = GetCompPtr(ix,iy);
        for (k = 0; k<npts; k++) wave[k] = (float)wtmp[k] - 128.;
        //fetch filter -- linked to physical element
        ftmp = ap->GetImprPtr(xp,yp);
        for( k = 0; k<n_filt_pts; k++) filt[k] = (float)ftmp[k];

#if defined(OUTPUT)
  FILE *fp;
  fp = fopen("TxInput.dat","wb"); 
  if( fp == NULL)
    throw(PCIClassErr("TTxAper::Compensate: Problem opening TxInput.dat"));
  fwrite( &npts, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
  fwrite( wave, sizeof(float), npts, fp);
  fclose( fp);

  fp = fopen("TxFilter.dat","wb");
  if( fp == NULL)
    throw(PCIClassErr("TTxAper::Compensate: Problem opening TxFilter.dat"));

  fwrite( &n_filt_pts, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
  fwrite( filt, sizeof(float), n_filt_pts, fp);
  fclose( fp);

        //Do the convolution
        conv2( filt, wave, output, scratch, n_filt_pts, npts);

        //scale the results
        index = n_filt_pts/2;
#if defined(OUTPUT)
  fp = fopen("TxOutput.dat","wb"); 
  if( fp == NULL)
    throw(PCIClassErr("TTxAper::Compensate: Problem opening TxOutput.dat"));

  fwrite( &npts, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
  fwrite( &output[index], sizeof(float), npts, fp);
  fclose( fp);
        for( k=0; k<npts; k++){
          ftemp = output[index++];
          ftemp *= scale;
          ftemp += 128.;
          if ((ftemp > 255) || (ftemp < 0)) {
            fprintf( stderr,"Tx Waveform: (%3d,%3d), Point:%4d value of %f will be clipped\n",
          wout[k] = (BYTE) MAX(0,MIN(255, NINT(ftemp) )); //Convert to BYTE
      }           // end of if
    }           //next y
  }           //next x
  delete[] wave;delete[] filt;delete[] output; delete[] scratch;
  return SUCCESS;

TTxAper::WriteRawAperture( FILE *fp){
  struct { WORD nx, ny, nz, xcenter, ycenter, nbytes; } hd;
  int ix, iy, iz, written;

  if (fp == NULL) return(1);
  WPAIR size = GetWaveSize();
  WPAIR center = GetCenterEl();
  hd.nx = X(size);
  hd.ny = Y(size); = GetNumWavePts();
  hd.xcenter = X(center);
  hd.ycenter = Y(center);
  hd.nbytes = sizeof(INT16);

  if ( (fwrite( &hd, sizeof(hd), 1, fp)) != 1) return(2);

  for(ix=0; ix < hd.nx; ix++){
    for(iy=0; iy < hd.ny; iy++){
//      printf("[%2d,%2d]..", ix, iy);
      written = fwrite( waveforms[ix][iy], sizeof(BYTE),, fp);
      if (written != return(3);


TTxAper::WriteCompAperture( FILE *fp){
  struct { WORD nx, ny, nz, xcenter, ycenter, nbytes; } hd;
  int ix, iy, iz, written;

  if (fp == NULL) return(1);
  WPAIR size = GetWaveSize();
  WPAIR center = GetCenterEl();
  hd.nx = X(size);
  hd.ny = Y(size); = GetNumWavePts();
  hd.xcenter = X(center);
  hd.ycenter = Y(center);
  hd.nbytes = sizeof(INT16);

  if ( (fwrite( &hd, sizeof(hd), 1, fp)) != 1) return(2);

  for(ix=0; ix < hd.nx; ix++){
    for(iy=0; iy < hd.ny; iy++){
//      printf("[%2d,%2d]..", ix, iy);
      written = fwrite( compwaves[ix][iy], sizeof(BYTE),, fp);
      if (written != return(3);


TTxAper::TestTxWaveRam( size_t npts, size_t channel){
  size_t seqlength[8] = {68, 132, 260, 516, 1028, 2052, 4100, 8192};

  BYTE  txchan;
  BYTE *buf1;
  float txtime;
  int i,nxmit;

  BurstCntrl_t bct;
  long address,index,offset;

  for (i=0; i<8; i++){
    if (( seqlength[i] / npts ) == 1) break;
  nxmit = seqlength[i];
  txtime = npts / (float)TX_CLOCK;
  NDELBITS = BYTE(0.5 + txtime / .640);

  size_t buf_size = nxmit;

  buf1 = new BYTE[nxmit]; assert( buf1 != 0); //Setup output buffer

  //Fill the ouput buffer with random numbers
  int rval;
  int nshift;
  for( i=0; i<nxmit; i++) {
    rval = rand();
    buf1[i] = rval;

#if defined(HW_AVAIL)
    BYTE *buffer = (BYTE *)pci->getVirtDMAPtr();
    BYTE *buffer;
    buffer = new BYTE[buf_size];               //Tem
  memcpy( buffer, buf1, buf_size); 
  bct.type = TransferByte;
  bct.ChannelSize =  MAX_TX_POINTS;

  bct.UASAddr = TWAVERAM + channel * MAX_TX_POINTS;
  bct.DwordOffset = 0;
  bct.NumbOfChannels = 128;
  bct.ChannelTransferCount = nxmit;

  index = 0;
  pci->writeUAS( (long)TSEQLEN,  (char)TSEQBITS );       //txseqlength
#if defined(HW_AVAIL)
    pci->doUASBurstWrite( bct);    //send all data
    pci->doUASBurstRead( bct);                      //Read it back data

  //Compare buf1 to buffer
  int nbad = 0;
  printf("Testing TxChannel %3d \n", (int)channel);
  for (i=0; i<nxmit; i++){
    if( buf1[i] != buffer[i]){
      printf("Point %4d is bad: input = 0x%2x   output = 0x%2x \n",
        i, buf1[i], buffer[i]);
  if (nbad == 0)
    printf("input and output agree\n");

#if !defined(HW_AVAIL)
  delete[] buffer;

  delete[] buf1;
  if (nbad == 0) return(SUCCESS);
  else return( FAILURE);


Software written by
Larry Busse of LJB Development
and Bill Glenn, Al Murphy and John Losche of TETRAD Corporation
Documentation generated 3/11/1999